Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Random photos

Our park is currently torn to pieces and full of mud from the recent rains. So until I see y'all next, here are a few photos from from the past months.

Hey Tracy and Jon, perhaps you could add a photo gallery to this blog? (Hint hint wink wink nudge nudge!)

February 24

February 25

 "Little" Kona

March 31

April 7

May 16

May 23

July 18

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hi everyone,

Nice to see such a great turnout at the end of summer!

Here are a few photos from tonight...

As always, if there are any photos you would like removed, please let me know.

And if I didn't post a picture of your dog, it wasn't for lack of trying. Some of them just move too fast... Not to name names, but Piper, Mable, Rudy, Lambick and Chester, you are also known as fuzzy blurs...

Hope to see you all around over the fall and winter, especially if they manage to fix the drainage problem! (Fingers crossed!)

Take care,